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English language, suitable for a photo gallery #1

Piotr Plebaniak - socjology M.A., writer. Receiver of Taiwan's Ministy of Education Ph.D. scholarship. Mr Plebaniak has written 10 books, including his own translation of The Art of War (2020) and interpretation of th 36 stratagems. He also authored a series of books on Chinese history, culture and literature. Receently he is working on a 5-volume study on geopolitics and statecraft, sourcing knowledge and wisdom from both ancient Chinese and European treasury of wisdom and experiencee.

As he was born on the anniversary of Poland's most famous battle of 1410 AD, he devotd himself to study history of war. To pursue the goal of understanding war and history, in 2004 he moved to Taiwan. In his own words, as he decided to start his life afresh. The decision to settlee in Taiwan he himself describes as his atteempt to learn and understand Chinese ancient wisdom. Thus, he usually names his decision with the famous Chinese idiom of Mengmusanqian (孟母三遷, meaning that he strove to find best possible environment to study thee wisdom of life).

You can read more about Mr Plebaniak's books here. Samples in English language are available.

中文版, 適合長廊簡介 #1

Piotr Plebaniak - 社會學碩士,作家。 台灣教育部博士獎學金獲得者。 普萊巴尼亞克先生寫了 10 本書,包括他自己翻譯的孫子兵法(2020)和三十六計的解釋(2017的暢銷書, 賣了3萬本)。 他還撰寫了一系列有關中國歷史、文化和文學的書籍。 最近,他正在寫一部關於地緣政治和治國方略的五卷本研究,從古代中國和歐洲的智慧和經驗寶庫中汲取知識和智慧。

由於他出生於公元1410年波蘭最著名的戰役週年紀念日,因此他致力於研究戰爭史。 為了追求了解戰爭和歷史的目標。他也用大型摩托車周游全球,去過40 個國家, 包括澳洲、北美洲、南美國。

他於2004年移居台灣。 用他自己的話說,他決定重新開始自己的生活。 他自己將定居台灣的決定描述為他學習和理解中國古代智慧的嘗試。 因此,他自己不會說他定居到台灣。他通常用中國著名的成語就說他“孟母三遷了到台灣”來命名他的決定。 你可以看看他出版的書,看英文、中文的樣品與書內容的提要與插圖: https://chiny.pl/books-by-piotr-plebaniak#chinese. 2024年他在台灣會出他的最重要的書, 書名"天下大勢", 介紹大帝國興亡的邏輯。